"Teardop" by Massive Attack
Now that the musical portion of this blog has been taken care of, onto the good stuff!
This past Thursday, which was August 16th, I went in for my first ultrasound. I was 6 weeks and 1 day into my pregnancy, and so very lucky to get such an early glimpse at the life taking shape in my womb. I can honestly say that nothing truly prepared me for that first moment of seeing the life I helped create. I would love to be able to high-five the father at this point and give him a great big hug, but since he is merely a unanimous donor, I will have to settle for a simple thank you vibe sent out across the universe in hopes that he somehow feels it. Honestly, there really is not enough thanks that can be given.
But before I once again get ahead of myself, I should begin with the agonizing wait that occurred in the doc's waiting room, aka holding cell, and the additional even more agonizing wait in the actual exam room, aka where the magic happens.
My appointment was for 9:30am, and while I knew I wouldn't get immediately back to see the doc, this particular morning the wait for my appointment felt like a conspiracy.
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A conspiracy I tell you! |
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I felt like doing the Snoopy dance! |
You never know when you might make some woman or couple who has been trying for ages cry from frustration at their own situation. Even though I would like to think spewing happiness about my accomplishment would provide hope and give props to the awesome doctors, I have no real idea of what all those other people in the waiting room are going through. I know we are all in for the same reason, but I also know our stories are vastly different. I saw a lady come out of an exam room crying on one of my past visits, and I would never want to seem like an inconsiderate braggart to others who may be in for bad news rather than good.
So I'm sitting in the holding cell with my mom patiently waiting for my name to be called. Every time the door back to the exam rooms opens and a nurse steps out with a chart in her hands and opens her mouth to call a name, I catch my breath. And this happens over and over and over (I could keep going here but I'll refrain). While waiting my mom did amuse me by knocking over a trash can lid while trying to throw her cup of water away. It made a loud crash, I busted out guffawing as I am want to do, and everyone had to take a glance at our silliness. Once again we managed to be the loudest people in a relatively quiet room.
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I'm sure somewhere Godzilla actually did this! |
Finally at around 10:30am my name was finally called. YAY!!! I was so damned excited and anxious I about couldn't stand it any longer, so good thing they finally called me. Once again it was the usual, undress from the waist down and hop up on the exam table...and wait! I had made it to the exam room, but my agonizing wait was still not over. At first my mom and I chit-chatted thinking the doc would be in at any moment. The nurse came in about 15 minutes later and I was so thrilled, but she was just there getting supplies, UGH! And so we waited some more. I flipped through an Entertainment Weekly and skimmed over why Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes split, admiring the pics of their daughter Suri whilst thinking about what my future child was going to look like. I glanced at the Fit Pregnancy magazines available but realized I had read them all already. I twiddled my thumbs some more. Laid down, sat back up, repeated this over and over. Am I getting across how excruciating the wait was yet?
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Yes, this is similar to how I felt! (except for the being a dude part) |
By the time 11am rolled around I was about ready to grab the magic va-jay-jay wand and do the ultrasound myself. I should probably explain that an ultrasound performed this early on is done vaginally and not through the belly. I swear I could have! But instead I kept telling myself that patience is a virtue...whatever! About 11:15 the doc finally came in. It was Dr. Batres this time, the only one of the three docs on staff I had yet to meet. You see, my main doc is Dr. Miller, yet I had also seen Dr. Moutos on several occasions. The thing I really love about Arkansas Fertility & Gynecology Associates (http://www.arkansasfertility.com figured I should give their offices another plug since they are so amazing) is that all the docs on staff are invested in your success. They share the work and they all get credit for being a part of my conception team. It's nice to know they all are rooting for you and got your back!
So in walks Dr. Batres, into the stirrups my feet go, and into the hoo-hoo the magic wand goes. Finally after the wait of a lifetime, we are underway! Well, almost. First the doc scares the bejesus out of me, because at first all I see on the ultrasound monitor screen is what looks to be a big empty hole. WTF? Where is my baby? I guess he sees the look on my face so then explains that he is first examining my ovaries before he moves to my uterus. It seems that when you take fertility meds such as Clomid, the Clomid causes ovarian cysts to form from the ruptured follicles that released the egg(s).
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Yeah, my thoughts exactly! |
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My baby's first pic!!! See, it does look like a bean. |
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My baby's second pic! See the heartbeat measurement lower left. |
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Here is a close-up. Doesn't look like much but I'm so proud! |
As a matter of fact, I get to go back in on the 30th for my 8 week ultrasound. I can't wait to see what the little one will look like then. I know what to expect by Googling 8-week ultrasound pics, but it won't be the same as witnessing it for myself. After my 8 week ultrasound, I finally get my first official "I'm pregnant" OBGYN appointment on Sept. 10th. I have decided to go with the doc who delivered my niece Haven and has come highly recommended by several people I know. My OBGYN retired, so I have been on the hunt for a new one, and now that I'm pregnant it made my choice relatively easy. My fertility doc was happy with my choice and has already gotten all my info over to my new doc's office. So it looks like I'm all set on moving this adventure along to the next phase.
Another fun moment of that ultrasound way was getting the first pics of my little bean (see pics above). As the doc preformed the ultrasound he printed out several pics for me to take home and show everyone. As I was checking out the receptionists ogled over the pics like they had never seen such awesomeness before! And it was great walking out of the office and back into the waiting room with the pics in hand. Since I hadn't bounced around the room shouting for joy before, this was my silent way of getting that "I'm pregnant" moment out to those still waiting. I was even congratulated in the elevator whilst leaving the building...totally awesome!
And one more amazing thing...still no morning sickness! I'm quite pleased that I have yet to hurl due to my "condition." I really expected to be a puker as I've always had an easily upset stomach. But so far, so good. Not even a hint of nausea.
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Free and clear so far! |
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They're really not the bad. |
Well it's about time for me to gather up my mom and go for our 3-mile walk we've been doing regularly as of recent. I'm trying to get back into some sort of exercise routine now that I am less delicate than I was, or at least felt. I want to keep myself healthy and fit throughout the pregnancy, and walking is about the best exercise I can do right now. So on that note, I will leave you all for the moment and get back to my Sunday. Hope everyone has had a nice weekend and I'll be back soon.
Oh, one final word. I know I had mentioned that there was a possibility of up to three babies based on my mature follicles. I was relieved to find I was preggers with only one baby, as now I can relax a little more and know I'll be able to focus my attention and spoiling on just the one. I am already thinking, however, since I am only pregnant with the one, that I may turn around and try for a second wee-one before I turn 40. My 38th is coming up on the 27th, so I won't have much time after this one is born, but I think I can do it. Something to ponder...
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Even The Dude is happy dancing for me!!! |

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