Showing posts with label animal encounters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal encounters. Show all posts

Friday, June 13, 2014

Life Changes

Awwwwww, so adorables!!!!
I know it's been a bit quiet around here, but there is a very good explanation for my brief writing hiatus.  In the past several weeks, I have been making dramatic life changes.  I resigned from my family's business and accepted a position with the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS).  I am finally getting back into the swing of using my education and will now be a research assistant studying rare genetic disorders.  I am very excited for this new chapter of my life to begin, which is this coming Monday, ahhhhhh!!!  This change in directions has left little time for me to do much more than think and prepare.  I have also been wrapped up in training new employees at my old job.  So, as you can see, I haven't gone away, just had to focus on my immediate future for awhile.  I am anxious to get back to my writing and catch everyone up with Piper's development over the past month.  Boy has she exploded into a new world of running, language acquisition, and many other amazing changes that have left me astounded, proud, and extremely busy keeping up wit her ever changing self.

The next couple of weeks I imagine will be overwhelming as well as exciting.  So, on that note, I may be silent for just a bit longer as I get settled into my new career.  But don't worry, I will soon be back with much gusto and make up for lost time.  In the meantime, I wanted to share some recent pics of my little darling for those who may be missing her sweet smile and rampant curiosity of all things in life.  Hopefully this will tide you all over until I can get into a real post.

These first pictures are ones I found on my mom's phone...hoarder!  I jest, since I love discovering pics of her that I didn't know existed, especially since they are just so damn darling!  I believe these were all taken in late May.  

Yes, she's discovered the stairs, yikes!

She always looks so cool when she goes strolling the block!
Out in the garden playing with an empty coke can...
no, she is not allowed to drink those awful things!
This next set of pics I took just a few days ago on our neighborhood stroll.  Down the dead-end road there is a house where they have chickens, horses, and some adorable goats.  Piper loves to feed the animals, especially the cutie-patootie goats.  Cannot wait till their babies are born!

Once again, looking cool for her stroll!
I mean, WAY COOL!!

Too cute, right?

These next pics are from her painting session just a couple of days ago.  She was finger painting and using a couple of brushes to create masterpieces for her "uncle" David at my office.  Since we will be seeing less of him, we decided he needed so Piper originals to tide him over until her next visit.

Yes, I painted her nose red...non-toxic, so don't worry!

Once again, the serious face!
Love this one!

My favorite shot!  So awesome, I've now posted it twice in this blog :)

More kisses!
And yes, I pained my nose, too!
This last pic I took of her napping on me the other day.  No, that is not wrinkles on her arm, just a mark from where her blanket was.  Who wouldn't kill for those eyelashes?

Okay, I hope that everyone can bear with me a few more weeks as I get my new life in order.  I sure as heck don't want any of my fans to think I've disappeared.  Remember, you can always visit my Facebook fan page to get the daily scoop, although I have been a little quieter on there than usual, too.  I've got a lot of writing material stored up in my head, so when I get all my ducks back in row, watch out!

Until then, please keep voting for us on Top Mommy and Top Baby Blogs.  All of you awesome folks have kept us in the top 20 over at Top Baby Blogs and that is the greatest compliment of all!!!  Thank you!  Also, as always, check out my other social media pages via the links below, and feel free to follow on Instagram, too!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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