Showing posts with label ovulation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ovulation. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Waiting is the Hardest Part

Yes, Tom Petty said it best.  Although this song is not about the 2ww (two week wait) women suffer through to find out if that EPT will come out with a + or -, it still works...sort of.  Well, I'll run with that, cause Tom Petty rocks!!!  But I digress...

My last post stated I would not wait to tell the world that I had gone in for my 2nd IUI.  But I got busy packing and moving (yes, I decided to throw moving into the already complicated equation), and haven't really sat down to catch everyone up...until now.

So how much did you miss you ask?  Well if you didn't ask, I'm still going to tell you! :-)  I went in for my 2nd IUI on Sunday, June 17.  On the 16th, which was my CD14 (cycle day 14), I was very anxious about ovulating.  My doc said that since I was on Clomid, that if I hadn't gotten my LH surge by CD14, he wanted me to call and come in for an ultrasound and possibly and HCG trigger shot to induce ovulation.  The morning of the 16th I tested with an OPK (ovulation predictor kit) at around surge.  I tested again at 2pm, still no surge.  At that point I called my doc and he said to come in on the 17th at 8:340am and we would decide on how to proceed.  That afternoon I went to pack up some boxes and stuff at my now previous abode; and well, I just began to feel a bit funny.  So afterwards I decided to do another test, this was around 7:45pm.  Normally I would never test three times in one day, but I just felt like I needed to at that point.  Well good thing I did because I got my surge!  So I called my doc back, gave him the news, and my 8:30am ultrasound appointment turned into my 2nd IUI appointment, yay!!!

So now what?  Now I'm once again in the midst of the dreaded two week wait.  I'll admit that at 6 days post IUI, I was a nervous wreck.  Last month that was the day my entire system went bonkers!  So naturally I was worried this month may be the same.  My doc did put me on Progesterone to help extend my cycle, so that was a bit of comfort but didn't complete alleviate my worry.  Needless to say, day 6 has come and gone and I'm still waiting, which is a very good thing!  Today I am 10 days post IUI.  If I read my body correctly this month, that would correspond to 10 days past ovulation (10dpo).  By this weekend, I should be ready to pee on a completely new kind of stick, the EPT kind!  Woohoo!!!

The one on the right represents my mom!
Many women at this point go ahead and drag themselves through testing way too early, only to be left with a pile of negative tests (false or not).  I am doing my best not to be one of those women!  I may test Friday morning, though.  While this will still technically be early and a false negative is most likely, I may not be able to handle waiting any longer!

I should probably follow the advice at and not test till Sunday, but I can't promise anything!

Sunday Jul. 1, 2012
Expected period

Expected Period. This is the best day to test!

You should miss your period today if you are pregnant!

Accuracy rate of most pregnancy tests on or after the first day of your expected period is 99%.

If your cycle length varies by a few days each month, you may still want to wait a few days before testing since you may not actually be late yet.

So, what are my symptoms at 10dpo you ask?  (Once again I don't really care if you asked, it's just one of those forum topics that seem to be on every baby-making website).  To be honest, I don't really have any.  Had some sharp pains in my abdomen last night and a few this morning, and I'm a bit on the bloated side, and my boobs are a bit larger than usual, but all these things can also be contributed to the progesterone, PMS, and possibly pregnancy.  So like a lot of things, I take them with a grain of salt.  Damn it!  Now I'm thinking about the tequila I can't have!!!  Which is horrible since it is Tequila Tuesday...ARGH!!!!  However, I will most likely enjoy a glass of wine when I get home, because for now I dub it okay and safe to consume in small quantities.  I'm sure some will disagree, but to each their own opinion on the matter.  Last IUI I was overly conscious about my eating and drinking habits, and the IUI failed.  My stress levels were at maximum capacity, and I know that did not help and could have possibly contributed to my system failing so miserably.  This go around I have decide to relax, enjoy the ride, and not sweat the small stuff.  There will by plenty of time to freak out during the 9-month wait!

Hopefully this will be me very soon!

Since I am so close to finding out whether or not this IUI is successful, I will try and update more over the next several days. Hopefully next time I'm back on here there will be good news!!! If not, I'll report the bad, too. Both are part of the process, so both deserve equal time in the spotlight. But for now I'll keep on the positive side and hope for the best outcome! And I'll leave you with this little bit of fun :-)

I love cats!
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mother Nature FAIL

Now while the title of this post may sound negative, it's not quite all that bad.  I'll explain...

Cat pictures always make bad news good!
I have been keeping quiet over the past week or so while anxiously awaiting the results of my first IUI.  Something in my head went the route of "don't tell anyone cause it could jinx the results!"  Well that is just idiotic!  Nothing of the sort will jinx the outcome of an IUI.  There is only about a 10% chance that a natural IUI (one without meds) will be successful in the first place.  That's 10% less chance than doing it the old-fashioned way, if you know what I mean.  Both those percentages are based on success rates when no fertility issues are involved...having those can drastically change that number (and of course age is a mass factor, too). Needless to say, my first IUI was not a success story.  Here is how it all went down...

On May 28th I got my LH surge.  For those unfamiliar with the acronym, LH stands for Luteinizing hormone.  Basically it is a hormone release by the anterior pituitary gland.  In females, the release of this hormone triggers ovulation.  Usually ovulation will occur within 24-48 hours of the LH surge.  The LH surge is detected through ovulation predictor kits (OPKs).  They are sort of like a pregnancy pee on a stick and it tells you whether you are surging or not; pretty simple and straightforward.  Once the LH surge is detected, you call the doctor and then go in the following day for the IUI.  The IUI is a very simple procedure that takes less than a couple of minutes.  Basically the doc takes the thawed, washed sperm and uses a catheter to directly inject it into the uterus.
See, very simple!

After the procedure you have to lay down for 15 minutes, and then you're off to live life as you normally would...with the exception of cavorting around bars and living it up like you were in Vegas!!
How NOT to handle the wait!

Remember, at this point you should already be thinking like a pregnant woman!  Once you're done at the doc's, the only thing to do is wait the 2 weeks it takes for fertilization, implantation, and a hopefully a positive pregnancy test.

Well, that's not exactly how it went for me.  My LH surge occurred on the 28th.  On the morning of the 29th I had my IUI.  I took the rest of the day off just for good measure.  I ate healthy, relaxed, didn't drink booze...I was a model patient!  But that doesn't always guarantee a successful outcome.  Unfortunately my hormones and Mother Nature decided to do their own thing.  Six days after the IUI on the 3rd, bam, my cycle went nuts!  To make TMI less TMI, I started my period 10 days premature.  Now this never happens so I was highly disappointed in my hormones for acting like uncontrollable morons!  But what can you do?  Mother Nature will do as she pleases and usually at completely inappropriate times!  And this was obviously the time she had chosen.  Oh well, now what?

I called my doc first thing Monday morning (June 4th) and let him know that Mother Nature failed me (please review title of post now).  Today (June 5th) he had me come in for another vaginal ultrasound to check out the goods and make sure there was nothing to be overly concerned with...basically making sure it was just a wonky month and all systems were still go.  Lucky for me, all systems are still go!  But the doc did decide to go ahead and put me on 50mg of Clomid for this next cycle.  Clomid is used to treat ovulation issues in some women, but for me it's basically being used to increase my progesterone and lengthen my cycle.  I have no issues with ovulation, so once again we're going to wait on the LH surge and proceed as normal.  With Clomid my chances for conceiving with IUI jump from 10% to 20%, so that is a bonus!

So on to more good news!!!  Since I was 10 days early this month, now I get to go back in for my next IUI within the next 11 days or so.  This is good news because I don't have to wait all those additional days this month.  When you're trying to conceive, any extra waiting is just torment (especially at my age)!  The only concern I really have right now is the increased chance for multiple births that comes along with Clomid.  There is a 5-12% chance of twins (depending on your source, with 8-10% being the norm), a 1% chance of triplets (highly unlikely for women over 35), and .1% for quads (yeah, that's not happening!).   Since I ovulate like a champ, I am concerned that any drug which excites my ovaries to produce more than one viable follicle at a time may be risky. But I'd rather have twins than no children at all, so we'll just have to wait and see.
Aren't they just so damn cute!
Be careful what you wish for!

I think that about catches everything up to date.  This evening I start my Clomid, take it for the next five days, wait until day 12 of my cycle to start testing with the OPKs, and hopefully by day 14 or 15 will get my surge and be in for the next IUI by day 15 or 16 (June 17 or 18).  This time I will not keep it a secret that I've gone in.  No more of the paranoia regarding jinxing the whole thing.  If it's meant to be it will happen when the time is right...everything is about timing!  Hopefully this time around I will come back with a positive result and a successful procedure story.  If not, well then it's off for one more round before other methods are discussed with my doc.  So here's to the rest of this month!

Want to learn more about IUI and Clomid?  Try this link:

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I am Ashley's Discarded Eggs

I woke up this morning with a random thought in my head...well, I do that just about every morning, but today was especially marked in that it was a completely unique thought to me.  Lately I've been having a lot of these, mostly regarding motherhood, injections, ovulating, my uterus, etc.  Not that I've never pondered these topics, mind you.  But lately these topics have taken on whole new meanings, and I find myself engrossed in unusual  mental territory oftentimes backed with quite a bit of what I find to be somewhat amusing imagery.  I have always had the ability to entertain myself, and will often chuckle to myself for no apparent reason.  That said, everyone may not have the same reaction I had to this mornings particular train of thought.

First a little bit of background knowledge...  A woman is born with all her eggs. Actually by 20 weeks old, way before actual birth, is when all eggs are fully formed and at their maximum count.  How many eggs?  Depending on which source you scour, which I am a scourer of knowledge, you may get a differing answer.  But usually the numbers are up there in the low millions, roughly around 2 million.  The count varies by individual, and like I said, different sources claim different counts...which just means science isn't perfect and we're still learning.  Regardless of the actual factual number, from the moment when all of our eggs are gathered in the proverbial basket, we start uncontrollably killing off our offspring.  (I know a few parents out there to whom this may sound like a pretty damned good idea since they are dealing with those massively horrible teenage years at the moment. Yay! Something to which I can look forward!).  By the time we are actually born, our egg count has dropped drastically to approximately 600,000...once again this varies by individual and the number of eggs one actually produces as a fetus.  By puberty we're down another 200,000.  Whoa!

And after puberty?  Well every month we develop multiple eggs, although only one is normally released to travel along that wondrous path of creation with the higher-than-actually-getting-born-chance of entering into the world and becoming a little teenage shit!  Hahahaha!  Didn't see that coming did you?  Btw, both my brothers are dealing with newbie teenagers right now so that's where the teenage cracks are coming from.  I'm learning invaluable information regarding the horrors of this stage of parenting...the type I never realized whilst I was a teenager, of course, cause I was a freakin' angel! O:-) <-------notice my BIG halo! The other eggs developing every month?  Well they just shrivel up and die!  Which is exactly what will happen to the oh-so-special released egg if the elusive one sperm in a gajillion doesn't reach it's goal!

Okay, at this point some of you may be asking where this is leading and wondering why I find this amusing.  It's not the science behind the process that got me going this morning, it was the imagery that popped into my head while I regarded the science.  Has anyone here seen or read the Hunger Games?  Has anyone here been living under a rock for several months?  If you answered yes to question 2, then you probably answered no to question 1.  I seriously doubt anyone answered no to question 1, and if so I apologize as this may be a bit confusing.  But for those who answered yes...I woke up this morning with the imagery that what is left of my eggs, which is approaching an alarmingly smaller and smaller number every month, are "tributes" in a Hunger Game style reaping.  Each one is marked and has the potential for death every month, but only so many are chosen to compete in the arena.  At this point, the "chosen" ones go into the death-match arena and there can only be one survivor!  But in the end, if the sole survivor of the death match doesn't satisfy the masses (aka gajillion sperm), it is also exterminated!  Unfortunately unlike the book/movie, this reaping occurs monthly instead of yearly.  I know this isn't a perfect metaphor, but I'm sure you get where I'm coming from.

The other image I had this morning in regards to the same pondering, was one where all of my eggs were shoving this one poor little sacrificial egg towards the fallopian tubes. This image consisted of the poor little fella holding on to the edges of the tube entrance and pleading not to be pushed to certain death!   "Not me, Not yet!"  "Just one more month!" "You ought not done that, he's just a boy!" *All other eggs sneering and pushing like big-egged bullies* While this may not seem amusing, and I'd draw you a picture to relate the visual if I had any artistic talent besides dancing...(maybe an interpretive dance video?)...anyway, the thought just cracked me up! Like I said before, everyone may not get my inner humor!  I suppose the thought was driven my contemplation and realization that this was the first month in all my years in which I purposefully decided to doom this month's egg and that next month's egg had full potential of actual survival beyond my uterus.

On the flip side of my amusement, I also for the first time harbored a since of guilt about this natural monthly sacrifice.  Even though I've been doing this involuntarily since inside the womb, this month just felt different.  This month seemed more like a choice, whereas all the other months it was simply mother nature doing what she does.  And next month will also be a choice...the conscious choice to actually try and fertilize the "tribute" rather than kill it off in the death-match arena before it even stands a chance!  It is highly likely my self-amusing imagery was some sort of defense mechanism against the realization of all the possibilities lost throughout my life...of all the eggs discarded that were each, at 20 weeks, possibly a wonderful little bundle of cuddly, amazing, unique joy.  Then again, things happen the way they're supposed to in the end.  Next month, if everything goes as planned, one of those possible bundles of cuddly, amazing, unique joy will no longer be hanging on the precipice of extinction and actually be on it's way to becoming that teenage horror which I may at some crazed moment wish back into the arena because it has displeased the masses!

So there you random thought of the day. :)

I found this particular site very informative for those who are interested.  There is a lot of information out there, and a lot of it conflicting even between scientists and doctors.  The basics remain the same, so this was a good middle-of-the-road site.

Not sure what the rules are for using other people's images in blogs (I'm new at this), but must give credit on the second pic to the creative genius of Gary Larson's The Far Side®  

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Choosing My Donor

As of this past Thursday, I am officially all clear for take-off!  I had confidence that I had no underlying medical conditions that would warrant me not continuing on my current path, but having the doc's official stamp of approval is just nice to hear....perfectly working girly parts + spotless bill of health = time to make the biggest decision in my life, a.k.a picking a donor.  Remarkably this process was a lot less frustrating than going on horrible dates and/or being trapped within a self-imploding relationship.  Notice I used the and/or expression there, as it is possible to go on horrible dates in the midst of being trapped within a self-imploding relationship...hence the sign the relationship is unstable and should be severed before ultimate implosion occurs. Hence why I am at the current stage in my life, single and trying to conceive.  Hence this blog....I digress...

Even though I just officially got the green light from my doc, I actually began searching for a donor upon my initial decision to have a child. I will admit, it was kind of fun searching out cryobanks, skimming through profiles, imagining what my future bundle of joy would be like.  But it also made me question what were my top must-haves in a kid.  Was I looking for intelligence? Good looks?  Did I want them to be short or tall?  What about eye and hair color?  These are the types of things normally one probably does not consider when having a child within the confines of a relationship with a planned pregnancy.  You fall in love with who you fall in love with, you decide to have a child with them, and the rest is up to genetics.  If two people are in a relationship and decide to conceive, I doubt (unless there is an underlying medical concern such as dwarfism or such), one or the other person doesn't rightly think "hey, I don't want your kid cause they may have brown eyes and I want green!"  It just doesn't work that way, you love each other and whatever life you create will be perfect and unconditionally loved (at least until the teen years, I hear those are pretty awful for parents, ha!).  I, on the other hand, am not bound to another person with whom I want to create life.  I am just me.

So I have this mysteriously different option of getting to decide the traits I would like my child to possess.  I have no true emotional connection to the future father of my child, so my decision must be based on other factors.  Now don't get me wrong.  When I say I have no emotional connection, I'm not trying to sound soulless.  I simply mean that since I don't actually know the donor, although I do get to read some personal essays to help me determine their type of personality, I cannot base my decision on my feelings for them...well besides that ultimate gut feeling that came upon me Thursday morning....I will get to this gut feeling later.

So what am I looking for in a donor/50% of my future child's genetics?  Now it may sound shallow, but blue yes were important to me.  I have blue eyes, and I love them.  It is one genetic trait I can most definitely control.  With that said, I first narrowed down my donor selection by filtering out all the men who had eye colors other than blue.  This process significantly reduced the "gene pool" so to speak.  Once only blue-eyed donors were filtered, there were much fewer individuals to select from.  Why was having a child with blue eyes important to me?  Being that I'm about to become a single mom, I wanted to have some trait of mine that was 100% positively going to be expressed.  Since the blue eyed gene is recessive, if the donor and I both have blue eyes, then the child will too.  Since I'm mixing my genetics with a stranger in all practical terms, I want to at least have one thing guaranteed to be like me.

Hair color could also be controlled.  I was born with blond hair, although it has been a million various colors since my early twenties when I began randomly coloring it based on my mood.  I should state here, for those who are thinking it, no my hair is not blue as my profile pic suggests.  That is just a great wig I picked up in New Orleans for Halloween a couple of years back.  If I had the choice, I would probably actually have blue hair, as I think it suits me quite well and brings out my eyes.  But alas I do not live in Japan, where I think it would probably be more acceptable.  Nor am I 20-something anymore, so adulthood prevents me from wearing the wig except for special dress-up occasions.  Ok, back to the hair thing....  So, since I am technically a natural blond, I thought I might want a blond child.  I know how this is sounding, she's blond and blue-eyed and wants a blond/blue-eyed child...and she has major German ancestry...hmmmm.  Now stop that right there, this is not some Hitler Aryan dream child I'm trying to have! And yes, feel free to be amused by that statement!  I just thought at first it was one more trait I could control so I was guaranteed to have my own traits show up in the child.  My first two donors choices both were blond and blue eyed.  But why wasn't I feeling 100% confident with either one of them?

My first donor choice, well he sold out before I had my HSG.  So I was off to find another donor right away.  I couldn't find one at my original cryobank, so I switched to another bank.  There I did the same procedure as before, first narrowing the pool to blond/blue-eyed men.  I'll tell you, this drastically puts a dent in the number of selections.  Regardless of the decrease in choices, I did find a second donor who fit my criteria.  And it's not all about the coloring of eyes and hair, not even close!  I also was looking for personality traits based on their essays, and a good medical history...nothing lurking in the corners such as mass family alcoholism or breast cancer or anything of the like.  Once again, this is not something one would normally care about or question as thoroughly when planning a child in a committed relationship.  (I should say committed heterosexual relationship, cause there are various other types and I don't want to sound like I'm not considering those. Those who know me know I love my gays, so there really shouldn't be  any questions as to what I meant.)  Back to where I medical history just usually comes with the entire package and probably isn't as closely checked when in a relationship.  But it is one of those things I get to ponder. Also intelligence was highly important.  So it was important to me that the donor have a relatively good GPA in college.  I know high GPA does not guarantee high intelligence or vice-versa. But it's at least a good meter when an actual sit down get-to-know-you kinda thing isn't available.

So, back to my second donor choice.  Blond, blue-eyed, smart, large family (good breeding stock?) very tall.  Height was another factor I was looking for.  I would rather my child have a better chance, especially if it's a boy, to be tall.  I like tall men, although I have dated various heights.  And if it's a girl, tall is also good.  I'm slightly above average in height, and I like that.  What can I say, I love having long legs!  And his childhood photo was adorable.  Norwegian ancestry, and I've always had a thing for Norwegians!  But I still wasn't feeling 100% sure.  I mean, he'd do, just as donor choice 1 would have done.  But neither gave me that gut impulse.

So it's Thursday morning, and my final doctor's appointment to get the results of all my tests is at 2:30.  I know once I get the all clear, then it will be time to actually purchase the sperm.  It is a massively, huge, gargantuan decision that will change my life I don't want to question even the slightest bit!!!  That morning I got to work and checked my email.  I had an email from California Cryobank with a fresh list of new donors.  At this point I had decided on a donor from another cryobank, although donor choice 1 was from there.  Well I didn't want to second guess myself, but I took a look anyway.  And there, at the very bottom of the list, was "the one"!  I know we've all heard of women finding "the one" and it usually involves some sort of dating ritual, falling head over heels, and making sweet love in the afternoon, yada, yada, yada.  This was nothing like that, per se.  But when I opened his file, the initial introductory paragraph made me sort of swoon.  Not in a lustful way, but in an almost dizzy feeling because something just seem so perfect.  So I dropped some cash and got the rest of the donor's profile.  Yep, here was the father of my child.  He had everything I was looking for, sort of.  Blue-eyed, of course that was not an option!  Smarts, very good high school and college GPAs.  Looks?  The staff impressions were quite the selling point with the whole very tall looked like he stepped out of a GQ magazine comments.  They did offer some celebrity look alikes with similar facial features, I will not reveal those for those are not the major deciding factor and can only be so reliable.  But not blond.  Nope, this one has brown hair, although in his 3 childhood photos, which were absolutely adorable, he does have blond up top.  I would assume this means he is more like me, blond as a child and got darker with age.  Although I was white-blond as a young kid and his was more of a dirty blond.  Once again, I digress...

But all that aside, in the end it was his personality, of all things, that won me over.  He had the type of sense of humor that appealed to me.  A few of his life stories were right along the same lines as mine...who else besides me has been shot off the back of a treadmill and thought it was absolutely hysterical? He loves puns, I for awhile was known as bad-pun girl (my super secret superpower!).  I really can't explain it, just something in me clicked.  I had no questions or qualms.  I had no worries or doubts.  This was him.  I kind of wonder if he felt a shift in the universe at that precise moment.  I can't imagine he didn't!  I assume we live in the same one and mine completely wobbled there for a second or two.  By the time I got to the doctor's office, I was absolutely 100% ready!  I received my green light, went home, and placed my order with California Cryobank.  Actually I went over to my parent's house and celebrated with a glass of wine!

So now it's just time to wait.  I started with ovulation kit testing this month and had my LH surge today (see pic above), which means I will ovulate tomorrow.  However, this month was just a practice run to make sure I was ovulating as I should.  The donor sperm will not be here till later in the week, and I didn't want to stress myself by having to rush this month.  So, this time next month I should be going in for my official first IUI.  The doctor seemed absolutely confident that I would get pregnant on the first try, so I'm thinking he also felt the wobble in the universe that day :)

For any readers also wanting a good cryobank, check out California Cryobank @  No I won't reveal my donor number!

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

HSG Panic and Procedure

So finally on to part 2...
Scouring the internet for other women's experienced with their HSG's provided much daunting information.  Most accounts were full of angst, pain, sever cramping enough to make the person hurl (while still on the doc's table), bleeding, etc.  Nothing much to grasp on to in hopes of a, if not pleasant, at least not an all that bothersome experience.   Of course, reading all these horror stories got me majorly wound up to say the least.  I was so wound up by the time the day of my appointment came, I was glad to have some Xanax on hand.  It helped calm my nerves slightly, and I began to relax knowing no matter how bad it was, in the end I was having a necessary procedure that's end goal was finally getting the all clear to start my IUIs.

So the day of HSG, I woke up, went to work, downed a Xanax, and waited.  At noon I left the office to go to the radiology clinic.  I had my mother with me, as she is sort of being my surrogate husband through all of this.  I think it important to have someone there with a second set of ears, since there is a lot of information to absorb and a ton of questions that one needs to remember to ask.  Following the advice of my doc and other women, I also took a a matter of fact, by the time I made it onto the doc's table almost 2 hours later, I had had two of these.  Overkill you say?  Maybe, but I wasn't taking any chances.  So, onto the procedure...

As usual with any type of gynecological appointment, it was the same thing...disrobe from the waist down, hop up on the table, spread eagle and slide to the end.  After so many years of doing this same maneuver, I still have yet to become comfortable with the whole thing.  But we do what we have to do!  So there I am, in the usual feet-in-stirrups position splayed to the world, with four other people in the room...the gynecologist performing the procedure, my secondary doctor, the nurse, and for mental support, my mom (don't be grossed out, she was behind me in a chair, not getting the doc's view).  And as usual, the speculum comes out...why is it always cold?  Once I am propped open and ready, which always takes some adjusting since I have a "tilted' uterus, the gyno performing the procedure informs me they are going to inject some lidocaine into my cervix...say what?  Not one of the forums I read bothered to mention this!  Needles are bad enough, but needles in my cervix, so not cool!!!  So naturally I tense up for a moment, doc says to relax and on
 the count of three give a big cough...1...2...3...COUGH!  Odd that the doc complimented me on my coughing skills, but I'm glad because I have a feeling the cough is necessary to take your mind away from the  needle prick.  Needles to say, hahahahaha, I didn't feel a thing!  No pressure, no stab, nothing!  That was a relief!

After the injection, the doc then inserts a catheter up through the cervix and slowly injects dye into the uterus.  The dye then pushes through the fallopian tubes to see if there are any blockages, leaks, or anything else of concern.  Here is where I get lucky!  Most of the horror stories I read were from women with tubal blockages.  The pressure from the dye pushing into the blocked tube, supposedly, can cause immense pain.  Well I really don't know if it was because of the pain pills or because I had no internal issues, but the procedure was nothing like I expected.  It was slightly uncomfortable, there was a little pressure as they rolled me from side to side to get the dye into each tube, but then it was all over in probably less than 5 minutes.  Afterward they had me get up slowly, as from the look of the gauze on the table it causes some pretty good bleeding, and get locking the door to the bathroom though, in case you have emergency...which I assume is getting light-headed and passing out!

In the end, after all that build-up and panic, the procedure, at least for me, wasn't too awful.  I have had much worse things done to me, so this was nothing!  I will say that I was a bit light-headed the rest of the day, but that might have been from the pills.  And for the next few days I did have some cramping and light bleeding, but nothing that screamed of the horrors other women described.  Which is great, cause some of them made it sound a little worse than birthing a child!  I guess I learned that most people who go into these forums discuss the worst case scenarios.  I will try not to take them too seriously from now on.  That's not to say I still won't over-research everything, that's just who I am.  But in the future I will take these things with a grain of salt...and of course that pain pill if I feel it's necessary!  No point in taking a chance on that one, hahahaha!

Final result, my tubes look perfect, I have a follow up appointment with my doc on Thursday, April 26th, and I'm basically all clear for take-off!  Next step is finally deciding 100% on a donor and tracking my ovulation...but we'll save those things for another day :-)

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